And the Winner Is...

After a bit of technical difficulty earlier in the week, selected the winn-er of my Fall Giveaway; I'm happy to announce that it is Winn's Angels.
Why am I so excited?? Well, I've never 'met' her before; but, we're the same age, we're both taking Susan Tuttle's Visual Poetry class, and, while I haven't written as much about my philosophy - aside from my Art Angels - we both have strong views on the presence and guidance of angels on our creative journey. Could that be any cooler??
I have spent a great deal of time perusing Wendy's blog and I'm in love with her art and photos and, did I mention, she lives in Saskatchewan? Please take time to check out her amazing blog and art displayed on her Flickr page

Her favorite season?? She has published a book entitled Autumn Richness! Here's her winning post:

Ahhh, my favourite season. In truth there is so much beauty in every season. If I pause to contemplate for any content of time, this is a very difficult question to answer. I love Christmas and the hoarfrost, heavy mistiness of some winter days and yet cool crisp chill of others. Summer brings so much beauty in the multi hues of green as well as flowers both tame and wild. Spring, brave spring is all about new life, birth, rebirth. So hard to decide. But as we are in the richness of autumn - for this moment I will choose autumn. I love the smells of apples and cinnamon. I love the textures and colours of warm woolen sweaters and mittens. I love the patterns and layers. Yes, for this moment in time, I will say my favourite season is autumn.
Thank you for the autumn pictures.
Thank you for offering this lovely give away... you are giving of your heart to each and every one of us. Angels be with you.

Thank you Wendy - I hope you'll send me a photo or two to post here... enjoy Autumn in Saskatchewan!


Caterina Giglio said…
congratuations to Winns Angels!
Jasmine said…
Congratulations Winns Angel :)
winnsangels said…
Ah Patti. I was so pleased to receive your e-mail telling me I had been picked randomly to be the winner of your give away. I am very much looking forward to receiving the package you will put together for me. I know my day will be particularly blessed.
Angels be with you,
Wendy xo
Jodi Ohl said…
Congratulations to the winner-her comments and reflections on the seasons were beautiful as well!
Karin Bartimole said…
congrats to Wendy!! loved her comment on all the season's offerings, but especially our shared favorite :)

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